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Welcome to Recovery Road, a podcast from Hazelden Publishing. Here you'll find the best thoughts, excerpts, and reflections from our most popular resources. These words, feelings, and insights from world-renowned authors have helped millions of people conquer substance use disorder so they can live their best lives. What's in these podcasts represents the best of the best—and we present them here for inspiration on your journey. Now more than ever, we need to find the calm in the chaos, stay focused on self-care, and remain on our path to long-term recovery. Remember, you are not alone. We are all in this together. So join us each day here on Recovery Road.

Sep 30, 2021

Relieve Stress: 5-Minute First Aid for the Mind, by Dr. Katrin Schubert, is a welcome guide to coping with stressful situations in recovery and daily life. Selected from the twenty exercises that comprise the book's how-to content, this excerpt offers a pair of step-by-step techniques for calming anxiety and managing...

Sep 27, 2021

In his book Addictive Thinking: Understanding Self-Deception, Dr. Abraham Twerski reveals how self-deceptive thoughts can threaten the sobriety of a recovering individual. We can use this excerpt to help us identify and sort through any distorted realities we have and correct...

Sep 23, 2021

In his book Undrunk: A Skeptic's Guide to AA, A. J. Adams describes how joining Alcoholics Anonymous changed his preconceptions of the program. In this excerpt, Adams introduces the Twelve Steps to people in early recovery and discusses how he learned to navigate the first two Steps during his own...

Sep 20, 2021

In her book Rein In Your Brain: From Impulsivity to Thoughtful Living in Recovery, Cynthia Moreno Tuohy offers ten techniques that can help with the compulsive thoughts and behaviors that most of us still struggle with in recovery. In this excerpt, Tuohy discusses how control in relationships and addictions are similar,...

Sep 16, 2021

In their book Living the Twelve Traditions in Today's World: Principles Before Personalities, Mel B. and Michael Fitzpatrick celebrate the history and development of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and interpret the program for the twenty-first century. This excerpt discusses the very first Tradition and how its focus on...